Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's the most busiest time of the year

It usually is busy in Dicksonland and Christmas time is no exception.
 On top of everything else there are presents to get finished, packages to get shipped (hopefully before Christmas), cookies to make, kids to keep fed (what? you're hungry again??), not to mention the decorations to get out and the annual tree hunt (which we still haven't done).
This year I've been feeling the crush of everything else and have had the "hide under the covers I'm not ready yet" mentality one moment and a wholehearted embracing of the season the next.
I like Christmas but it doesn't feel like Christmas this year. There is something disjointed and out of place. Personally I think that the season is turning into another Easter where the focus is on Santa and gifts and things that are fluff. The real reason for the season is drowned out by all of the noise and chaos of the shiny distractions around it.

I wish Christmas wasn't so materialistic and fantastically fake feeling.
I guess I just have to work extra hard to keep the focus on Christ, which isn't new. It just seems like past years it was easier for me to keep that the focus.
Maybe it's the fact that adult life is starting to weigh me down this year. Maybe it's the fact that we didn't get a tree yet and all of those Christmas reminders aren't visible every time I walk into our living room. Maybe it's that I have been way too focused on all of the wrong things recently. (Or maybe it's all of it combined.)
Whatever the reason I hope that I'll kick this funk I'm in and get into the childlike wonder that I remember from past years and be joyful for the real reason for the season.

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I'm the crazy older sister of 11 children. If I were a splotch on the page of history I most definitely would be purple.
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