Wednesday, December 3, 2014

And It Hits

This is me around this time:

I have Christmas and family to think about and any holiday extras that get thrown in there along with trying to keep up with the laundry plus I'm moving up to Grassvalley in January. Lots to do.

I find that if I focus on all of it at once it becomes overwhelming.

I need to stop and figure out what's really important. It's why I blog. It helps me to pause for a bit to process things.
I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but it is a little more busy and has a little more 'umph' that needs to happen and sometimes it's hard to want to give that extra 'umph'. (Especially when you have a lot going on already.)
If I focus on the fact that the reason we even have this holiday isn't ultimately for me or for the pleasing of others. It's for focusing in on the miraculous birth that happened because God chose to become a human being and dwell among us. It becomes a little easier to see through some of the chaos and craziness of the season.
He did something that he didn't put the first man and woman through and came to earth as an infant and learned what it was to grow up as one of us. The one who created us from the tips of our toes to the number of hairs we are able to grow on our heads created himself and became one of us.
At this point my head kind of explodes

How can that be? Why would he even want to? How could so much bigness and Godness get itself to fit into our small humanness? 
Anyway that's my thoughts for today. Merry Christmas!

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I'm the crazy older sister of 11 children. If I were a splotch on the page of history I most definitely would be purple.
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