Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Winter Adventure Ranch Style

     On Feb. 13-16th I went on a winter backpacking trip in Tahoe National Park. It was really cool (haha) to be able to spend the weekend with just the girls (13 of us all together) and to be able to enjoy God's creation with them.
     We went without the comforts of home meaning we had to leave behind toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, and be without them for the duration of the hike. We took only what we absolutely needed. This included clothes, some cooking and eating supplies, food, tents and bedding (a sleeping bag and a mat to keep you off of the snow), a flashlight, and a backpack to carry it all in.
     It was a time of really good focused meditation on God while walking in the midst of His creation which was refreshing and awesome.

Every day we had group devotionals which was led by one of the staff members who came along. One day we were asked to look up verses and then discuss them with the group. Then we were asked to write a word that we felt who we are in Christ. At first I wrote the word Chosen but that didn't seem like it fit. I went through the day thinking about the word and wondering what my word was if it wasn't Chosen. As I laid down that night the word Qualified came to me and I knew that that was the word that God wanted me to have.

Christ has Qualified me to do whatever He has put in my path to do.

     The last day we had a Devotional that suck out to most (if not all of the girls) there. This time the speaker took out two $20 bills. One she asked a person sitting near her to hold and keep nice. The other she took and tore in a couple of places, spit on it, crinkled it up, and threw it on the dirt.
     She then asked which one was worth more? To which we answered they are both the same. Then she asked why? We said it was because that is what the government said they were worth.
     This was to illustrate that we are seen as being worth the same, no matter what we have been through, in God's eyes. We may have been mistreated and abused but God looks past that and uses us anyway.
    On the way back I was reminded of this once again. I just happened to get in the quiet van and so I started thinking about all of the negative things I had thought of myself over the weekend and one of the students turns to me and says, "You look like a porcelain doll." I then start crying because I realize that just because I have these negative thoughts doesn't mean that that is how God thinks of me. To Him I am worth it. I am beautiful. I am qualified.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Down the Rabbit Hole We Go

     This last weekend (sorry this is a little late guys) I was able to witness a big change at Christian Encounter Ministries as the old Executive Director retires from this ministry to move on with what the Lord has for him in this next phase of his life. It was cool to see a smattering of the many lives that were affected by this very special, very God-honoring man. In one sense I'm glad that I got to be a part (small though it was) of the celebration of Mike Petrillo. In another sense I'm sorry that I didn't know him better than I did before the ceremony.
     God has so much that He can accomplish through one life but its not always through very extraordinary circumstances. Its just using ordinary people through ordinary everyday circumstances that God chooses to use people to advance His kingdom. That was my big takeaway from the event.
     So what's next? I don't know. God does. For some reason the Ranch needs this time of searching for a new Executive Director to take the place of Mike P. Its kind of fun and exciting to be coming into a ministry where such a big change is happening. Its also kind of scary because now the whole ministry is free falling (or so it seems) and nobody is sure what God is going to do next.
    We do have a great interim director in Mark Andrews but he hopes that it will only be at the most 1 year's worth of him holding the position.
     It is all a grand adventure! Its exciting to wait and see what God will do at this time.
     I feel like Alice, in a way. I followed God's prompting and now I'm going on an adventure in a land where I can stand in awe and wonder at what God is doing and will do. I went down a rabbit hole and I'm off to live an adventure that I will not soon forget. I'm sure I shall see strange things and wonderful things. (In some ways I already have). Through it all though I hope that this will grow me closer to God than ever and that I will keep that closeness no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing.